How To Date Fulani Girls In Nigeria – You Need To Know

Dating Fulani Girl

The Fulanis are interesting people found most in Northern Nigeria. Right from time, they’re predominantly a group of pastoral farmers that hardly stay in a place. 

Just like the men, Fulani girls are simple, artistic, friendly and beautiful to behold! Fulani girls are usually light skinned, reserved and culturally conservative. Dating Fulani girls can be fun, romantic and fulfilling if you can play your ropes tightly.

In this article, I wrote 4 things you should know if you find yourself falling in love with a Fulani girl. These are crucial things to know if you intend dating Fulani girls. Before you approach her, put these four things at the back of your mind.

Fulani Girls Are Nomadic

A nomad is someone that travels from one area to the other, in search of food and pastures for their herds of cattle. If you intend shooting the shots at a Fulani girl, be prepared to see her go, after some period of time. They hardly settle down in a particular region.

Well, you may be lucky that she will love you to the extent of staying behind with you. However, I doubt if that can really happen. Before dating Fulani girls, be prepared for the worse. She might move anytime soon.

Fulani Girls Are Not As Educated As Other Girls

Yeah! Due to their simple lifestyle and nomadic culture, they hardly send their girls to schools. So, if you like one Fulani girl, be prepared to manage her uneducated nature. If you can’t tolerate it, don’t approach one. 

Nevertheless, we have few educated ones among them. You’re a lucky man if you get one them that likes you. I heard their girls are loyal and faithful lovers. If you’re dreaming of dating Fulani girls, this is something you may have to tolerate or overlook.

Fulani Girls Are Endogamous In Nature

Endogamy is the type of marriage, in which members of an ethnic group marry from their own clan, without considering outsiders.

Like I defined above, Fulani girls prefer to settle with someone from their tribe. So, if you’re not a Fulani man, your chances of getting her is very low. Moreover, Fulani girls don’t marry out of love. They marry based on whoever their parents choose for them. Therefore, you should know her parents won’t likely consider you for their daughter. 

Dating Fulani girls can be almost next to impossible, if you’re not from the ethnic group. However, if she belongs to the Fulani elite class, there are higher chances that she may be more learned, civilized and exposed to consider dating someone beyond her clan.

Also Read: How to Date Hausa Girl.

The Average Fulani Girl Doesn’t Have Packaging Like Girls From Other Regions

Yeah! Due to their simple lifestyle, Fulani girls don’t wear fashionable wears like other ladies. They rock their natural hairs instead of the expensive and trending hairstyles which other girls usually flaunt. They hardly speak fluent English, if they can even speak it.

For someone like me that’s kinda attracted to a woman’s packaging, dating Fulani girls is a no-no thing for me. So, if you think you wanna date one, you might, as well, consider this factor.


It’s very necessary to consider the four things I explained above if you’re craving to date Fulani girls.

What other things do you know about Fulani girls when it comes to dating? Please, share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section.

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